Friday, June 26, 2009

Hey all

Haven't updated in a little while, but it feels great to do again. Threehouse just finished up a couple of projects, doing two pieces for a huge Christian conference in L.A. California. The pieces were done in two ways: cut paper animation / and motion graphics. The cut paper project came out absolutely amazing. We really liked the final product even though it felt very thrown together initially, setting up the shooting station, printing out a ton of images, tearing up random paper... etc. However in the end we are very proud to call it finish and we'll be putting on the new motion reel we have been working on.

I also put together this poster for Chris Bohatyritz' birthday at the beginning of June. I thought of this idea awhile back and never new what to use it for until his birthday came up. So I hope he likes it, even though it is kind of goofy receiving a poster of your name on it for a birthday present.

Here is also the final image of the Trailrunner piece. I am about to start another one as well. (wow do months really go by that fast ? )

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back from South Africa!

What an incredible experience. I am so blessed to visit the townships in South Africa and preach the Gospel. The people we met there were so amazing along with my South Africa team. We really came together this trip as friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. I brought a ton of drawing supplies on the trip and hardly drew at all being so busy everyday. I managed to draw some before the trip and I thought I would show whoever reads this blog what I have been doing. This photo was taken by Sean Prestidge and I am really excited to see where his photography takes him. He really has been working hard and it's great to see him grow. Looking forward to First Fridays tonight and seeing new work. Good to be back!